Monthly Archives: August 2017

What Do You Think?

I’m in process of building my portfolio, but I need some help. I’m trying to narrow down my specialties to create some consistency. I’ve done a decent amount of everything of the past couple of years, but what do you like most? Thought I’d throw the question into the universe and see what comes my…


Andy Warhol has shaped a lot of who I am as an artist, and as a person. Visiting his exhibit at The High was like meeting up with an old friend: comforting, familiar. I didn’t realize how much of his work I’d been exposed to until it was presented in one place… thanks for the…

Certified Bachelor (of Science)

I don’t have anything to say–just wanted to share a few photos of my brother’s graduation 🥂! (No, we’re not twins.) Here’s to scholarship and excellence ✨!

Tuesdays With Jaxon

I would just like to point out that these pictures weren’t planned at all: I just happened to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right light, with my DSLR. The stars aligned ✨. If only I could be as happy as baby Jax all of the time. (Arielle, Jaxon’s mother, bakes and…

All New Everything!

My motto for this year is #nogames2017, and I’m pleased to say that I’ve crushed another goal: updating this website. Welcome to the new and improved 🥂! It’s not completely finished (I’m still working on my portfolio), but this site is always a work in progress, so let’s just get this show on the road….