Category Archives: Personal

Atlanta Selfie Museum!

We didn’t have to go off like this, but we did! My girl Taylor and I took over the Atlanta Selfie Museum, and shut it down. Enjoyyyyy. These colors were everything. I was skeptical at first, but Lightroom revealed what was really good. It was $27.00 each for almost 25 selfie rooms. Take my money….

The Black Hair Experience

Here’s a quick little photo dump of my time at The Black Hair Experience, ATL. (Turn around in less than 24 hours, proud of me 🥲.) Kay, love y’all, byeeeee!

Existential Dread…

…but make it fashion. To be honest, I took this photo to see if I could make it moody enough using LUTs. I think I’ve succeeded 🙃. Next step? Making every picture in the set look exactly like this (post culling).

Great is Thy Faithfulness

They say it takes a village to raise a child. Garnelle, an elder cousin on my father’s side, was a major part of my village. It saddens me to say that it has been 2 weeks since her passing. I can only hope that a portion of her exuberance and camaraderie will live on through…

It’s the Little Things

Life is ROUGH right now, you guys. I don’t know if it’s COVID-19, working/not working during a pandemic, having another quarter-life crisis, being away from my family during said pandemic… but, I’m floating in space. To be fair, we’re all floating in space. Pictured below are the things that have grounded me, the things that…

What You Won’t See

Sunday, May 31st, 2020: I’m here to show you a protest through my eyes… I’m here to show you what you won’t see on television. Enjoy. What you won’t see: People cleaning up the city. It was the first thing I encountered upon leaving my car. What you won’t see: People hopping out of their…


What a year, right? So many things have changed drastically in the last 3+ months, I literally can’t even… COVID-19 and its subsequent quarantine has so many thoughts running through my head each and every day (it’s exhausting, honestly)… One thought, however, remains abundantly clear: I will not live like this anymore!  “I’ve been down…

10 Things in the 2010s

Happy New Year, heathens! I present you, Apotheshari (follow me on IG)! This is a wellness journey curated by yours truly. I’m just trying to consistent with my self care, y’all. Introductions are always weird for me, until I had the best idea: Why don’t I just count down to the next decade by revealing…

An Update

It really is weird to think that I can look back on work that I’ve done. If you ask me, I’m a complete amateur, but I have at least 10 years of work preceding me. Weird, like I said. Anyway, I was looking back at this anthology of work when I stumbled upon this gem….

Happy New Year

Introducing The Perspective Series. As we descend into a new year, I want you all to remember that you only see what I want you to see. I enjoy creating visions of joy and curating happiness, but life isn’t butterflies and rainbows. Social media has us all believing that we a have true, heartfelt relationship…