Category Archives: Acting

So Far

Things has been hectic over here, to say the least. In my mind it’s still October, I’m preparing my Halloween costume. I think a little recap of my escapades will help bring me up to speed. Ready? Go! I purchased a 24mm 1.8! Hello wider perspectives: Chinese New Year was lit. And so is my…

The Headshot Collective

Headshots are a monster, and for the longest time, they have completely evaded me. For almost 10 years I’ve been struggling to keep my work consistent, and have failed miserably. Trust me–I’ve burned many a bridge as I’ve tried to figure this thing out. And then, it dawned on me: Headshots are a production. Productions…

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Things are getting serious over here: finally created a Facebook page for my acting, wrote a scene, and then put it on camera. Haha, enjoy 🙃😂.