Monthly Archives: August 2018

Boss Babe

My baby cousin Naomi turned two this weekend 😍! She came to Sharipalooza, so I had to go to her party. It’s only fair. The blurry pictures are my favorites, not gonna lie. Peep the little Boss Babies, though! #cantankerous Hi, family! 👋🏾😀 Living her absolute best life 😂😂😂.


Happy 32nd Anniversary, Mom and Dad! 🖤🖤🖤


I’m a actor/photographer, and admittedly, I despise being in front of the camera. Until today. For the first time in at least 10 years I didn’t look at a picture of my body and cringe. Do you understand how major that is? (Backstory: I gained about 50 pounds after I stopped swimming competitively, and that…