Category Archives: Artists

So Far

Things has been hectic over here, to say the least. In my mind it’s still October, I’m preparing my Halloween costume. I think a little recap of my escapades will help bring me up to speed. Ready? Go! I purchased a 24mm 1.8! Hello wider perspectives: Chinese New Year was lit. And so is my…

It’s the Little Things

Life is ROUGH right now, you guys. I don’t know if it’s COVID-19, working/not working during a pandemic, having another quarter-life crisis, being away from my family during said pandemic… but, I’m floating in space. To be fair, we’re all floating in space. Pictured below are the things that have grounded me, the things that…

The Headshot Collective

Headshots are a monster, and for the longest time, they have completely evaded me. For almost 10 years I’ve been struggling to keep my work consistent, and have failed miserably. Trust me–I’ve burned many a bridge as I’ve tried to figure this thing out. And then, it dawned on me: Headshots are a production. Productions…

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Things are getting serious over here: finally created a Facebook page for my acting, wrote a scene, and then put it on camera. Haha, enjoy 🙃😂.  

Oh hey, Jay.

JayIsJo is back! Incredibly excited about sharing this shoot with you; it was a labor of love, and I’m pleased with the results 😋. (MUA: CrystalJBeats!) Fun fact: We shot this under the overpass where I-85 burned down in ATL last year.

Rose Bowl, II

Being in the studio is like watching a group of people perfect magic… Can’t wait to go back 🖤. Musical direction: @christheory101 Artist: @williehyn SHOWTIME! Guitarist: @iamwhild Vocals: @missbriedidit Surprise feature: @musiqsoulchild! Felt like magic, right? I told you!