Monthly Archives: October 2017

Progress Report

I’m in love with these headshots. In. Love. Headshots for actors mean a lot to me, especially since they’re the reason photography morphed from a hobby to a livelihood. My growth, as I’d hoped, has come a long, long way. Sure, my equipment has upgraded, I’ve updated my photo editing software, but there’s nothing like…

ATTN: JayIsJo in the Building.

Nothing like a collab with Jay is Jo to get me thinking outside of the box! Jay is performing a one-woman show in ATL on Nov. 18th (click here), but if you are of the faint-hearted, I suggest you stay home. I warned you. These are my favorite shoots: Catching up with old friends, eating…

Chop Chop

A new haircut means time for new headshots! Interested to see how my photographic style has changed over the past couple of years… For now, enjoy these curls: (I seriously don’t think I’ll ever get my hair styled by anyone other than Robin and her crew @ Southern Curl ATL. My hair has never, ever looked…