Category Archives: Editorial

Arielle & Co.

Ugh, Arielle and her adorable little family make me sick. I’ve never met someone with such well-mannered kids–even the newborn, who was 3-weeks-old, didn’t really act up. How? Look at those bright little eyes, 😩. OMG, she waved at me! Her brother saw her crying and was convinced that a high five would make her…


Presenting The Gemini Season Sale, my first sale ever. For my birthday I got everybody a discount; you’re welcome 😁😗. It’s high time I set my price and tell my future clients what I will/will not do. Pamphlets and contracts, the whole she-bang on the way. May 21st, 2018- June 20th, 2018. (Yes, you may book…

Oh hey, Jay.

JayIsJo is back! Incredibly excited about sharing this shoot with you; it was a labor of love, and I’m pleased with the results 😋. (MUA: CrystalJBeats!) Fun fact: We shot this under the overpass where I-85 burned down in ATL last year.